Marnys® Black Pepper Essential Oil is 100% pure and chemotyped, i.e. it has a defined composition and is 100% of natural origin. Black Pepper has been obtained by steam distillation and has not been denatured or mixed with other oils, which ensures the properties of the essential oil.
Marnys® Black Pepper Essential Oil contains the following chemotypes: caryoplyllene, d-limonene, its colour and appearance is from colourless to pale yellow, with a characteristic, mildly spicy flavour, properties that favour food taste. Marnys® Black Pepper Essential Oil is food grade, spicy, strong and sharp, vaguely reminiscent of Clove essential oil, but more refined. It is an essential ingredient to season culinary preparations and thus reduce the use of salt.
Instructions for use:
-Always take it diluted, 1-2 drops, in 250 g of food (juice, infusion, salad,...) Maximum 3 times a day.