Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, essential in building bones, protects against osteoporosis, helps dental health, preserves teeth and prevents cavities. The average adult has 1.2 kg of calcium in their bones. Calcium deficiency causes rickets, osteoporosis, decalcification and growth retardation on the bones. The lack of calcium among adolescents and increasingly young people, even children, may be the result of the substitution of milk and natural juices for commercial soft drinks. The absorption of calcium by the small intestine depends on vitamin D. There are studies that affirm that the addition of vitamin D in the diet improves the effects of calcium on bone density and shows a reduction in the risk of fractures. Calcium citrate has been shown to be effective both in increasing the density of bone mass and delaying its loss after menopause. Several controlled studies have shown that calcium and vitamin D may reduce hip fractures in elderly patients. Vegan, lactose free.