Gormet oat flour Oats are a complete and nutritious natural food, which provides energy, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Gourmet Oat Flour is premium quality instant oatmeal, obtained from non-GMO whole oat grains and with no added sugar.
Gourmet Oat Flour can be used to prepare carbohydrate shakes at any time of the day when you need extra energy, as well as to prepare healthy recipes full of flavor and very nutritious.
Weider Gourmet Oat Flour naturally provides complex carbohydrates and a really low sugar content.
In addition, its high fiber content delays the digestion of its starches and the absorption of glucose in the blood.
This quality makes it one of the healthiest ways to consume carbohydrates in your diet.
Weider Gourmet Oat Flour is a source of proteins of vegetable origin and 100 grams of product provides only 7.1 g of fat and a low content of saturated fat; since its fat is mostly mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Helping you take care of the line, your health and your heart.